New Website

Posted on April 6, 2018 by Jonathan H. Wage

In 2007 Doctrine got its first official website at Before that, the website was an instance of Trac which also served as our documentation, issue tracker and project management tool.

The new website design was created by Phu Son Nguyen who worked at Yahoo! at the time. It was a huge step forward for the Doctrine Project and it gave us 10 solid years!

Fast-forward and today we are happy to be launching a new foundation for our website and documentation. In addition to the new look, here are some new features:

  • GitHub Edit links on all documentation pages to make it easy to contribute fixes when you come across something that could be improved.
  • Automated deploys with GitHub Pages. Simply create a pull request and it will be deployed to Merges to master automatically deploy to
  • Search powered by Algolia.
  • Mobile friendly.
  • Documentation supports multiple versions.
  • Documentation user experience improvements.

We hope that this helps improve the experience and make it easier to contribute. The code for the site is open source and can be found here. If you want to contribute to the documentation for a project, you can find the docs in a folder named /docs in the root of the project repository. Here is the ORM for example.

If you discover any issues, please report them on the GitHub Issue tracker for the project.